Old New Money / Sto rubley novimy den’gami


2022 | Fiction | 14 min. | Russia

USSR. 1960s. Two sponging buddies, Svyatus and Seroshnat, are reaping the benefits of a hangover with an urgent need for money. The landlady requires that they immediately pay her one hundred rubles for the rent. In a fit of desperation, Svyatus rushes to the window and asks for money from passers-by. Suddenly, a mysterious engineer Petrik appears on the doorstep. Petrik gives them a hundred rubles - gratuitously. However, buddies distrust Petrik.

Director: Aleksandra Gavrilenko

Producers: Pavel Zolotarev and Liza Chernobrovkina

Сast: Aleksandr Martynov, Vlad Tashbulatov, Aleksandr Medvedev and Alena Reznik