Boys + Girls = / Мальчики + девочки =

2014 | Fiction | 82 min. | Russia

In the form of a bright adventure the film tells us the story of the formation of adolescents who living in the Russian metropolis, about how to find themselves and their happiness, about how it's hard not to do a false step in a temptations, by which our children are surrounded from an early age, especially children from dysfunctional families. The protagonist is in a difficult situation, being without parents, who died in a car accident, he is forced to make a money to themselves and his sister, trading on the streets surrounded by guys like he is. Each of them has its own story of life and each of its is curve in own way. The poorer trade for earnings, in order to subsist, but the boy from a wealthy family, because of his poor soul. He does not get enough attention in the family and he goes into the streets because life is there. But what do they need on the streets in fact? Earnings, life, but maybe love? Thanks love, our protagonist did not turn off the right way and his life flown into a bright future.

Director: Евгений Соколов

Сast: Ольга Дыховичная , Ольга Тумайкина, Вячеслав Манучаров, Фёдор Лавров, Наталья Подсолнух, Андрей Максимов, Влада Лукина and Артем Минин