Emigrant / Эмигрант


2015 | Documentary | 30 min. | Russia

The documentary «Emigrant» is my view of emigration which I consider not as a problem or the social phenomenon. Hundreds of thousands people leave the Homeland in search of the better life worldwide. Behind impressive statistics there are specific people, at each of which — the destiny, the thoughts and hopes. In this movie I look at emigration from within — why and for the sake of what people are sometimes ready even to risk life, trying to carry out departure from the country. It isn't dependent on what country is left by the person and where he seeks to get, emigration is always three stages: idealization, departure, collision with reality. Therefore in the movie three parts — three heroes, each of which are at the stage of realization of own dream. My purpose was to talk to them about their relation to society and laws of that country to which they arrived, to learn, whether their hopes as their life changed were equaled, whether they consider the choice true, and, the most important with what they see the future.

Director: Diosbel Moreno

Producer: Dina Moreno